Sunday, October 31, 2010

who likes to throw away insults.

they are the most ridiculous things.
not only from the people who decide to be stupid enough to say them
but also for the people receiving them

one little insult can make someone feel so self conscious
people should stop insulting people
the world would be way better

insults can be ok though sometimes
only sometimes!
they are ok when they are a joke...
but only when the person receiving knows it is a joke
then is when it is ok.

the wierd thing about insults though is this
you can insult yourself and it is ok
but then if someone else insults you its not ok
its not even ok if they are agree with your insult
the one you made about yourself in the first place

but i also think that girls take insults more seriously then guys
that is just what i think it might not be
if its not girls just show it more
you insult a guy and they are like yeah whatever
insult a girl and its not good
especially about their hair
never insult a girl about her hair
it is one of the worst things to insult them about
they usually take time in the morning to do it

dont insult people
people are already self conscious enough
don't help that self consciousness along
just think would you like them to say that to you
think before you speak
if you have nothing nice to say dont say it

just think about it the next time you go to insult someone

if everyone did the world would be much nicer

Monday, October 18, 2010

who is obsessed with the show

its actually not a show
its a song
called the show
its by lenka
its a good song
check it out
i dare you

no dont
well do
only once
otherwise you will get addicted
or obsessed

i am
its not good
im trying to give up
but i cant 
its just soo good

i even found the sheet music for it
and now i am starting to teach it to myself on piano
and i want to learn it on guitar

i play it on repeat constantly on itunes
its crazy

i have memorised the words 
all of them
even though i do that for a lot of songs

someone please
give me another song to listen to
give me a playlist
100 songs or so
if you give me one
i will get obsessed with that one
i get obsessed with songs too easily
but then i will be obsessed with the playlist
oh well
at least i wont be obsessed with this song anymore

i shall stop listening to it
the day after
next week
next year?
oh well

at least it isnt on my ipod... yet!

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

who can't count

we were in subway right (me and anna)
we asked how much the thing we wanted was

it was $4.45
we counted our money and we had exactly the right amount

but as soon as the guy started making the sandwich
my friend realised that she miscounted a $2 coin for a $1 coin

it was so embarrasing
we had to tell the guy
we were like
can we cancel that order
then we just left the shop

i really was in the mood for a subway

now she believes that all coins should be different colours

5 cents = yellow
10 cents = red
20 cents = pink
50 cents = purple
$1 coin = blue
$2 coin = green

actually that would be really cool

they should do that!!!!!

who eats cat hair

well she doesnt
i was over her house
and we were eating dinner

we decided to sit outside
then my seat was wet
so i asked anna to give me a towel to dry it
then she threw the towel a me
while i was standing
holding my dinner

the towel lands on my dinner
then i yelled at her for throwing a towel at me
then i laughed

but whatever
moving on

i went to finish my dinner
i sat down and picked a piece of chicken and noticed cat hair all over it

my friend had thrown a cat hair infested towel at my dinner

then i didnt get to eat any =(

so she doesnt really eat cat hair

she just got cat hair on my food

well i think it is funny!