don't you find it annoying the way boyfriends and girlfriends come to be these days like seriously, they just go up and ask someone "hey. wanna go out?" (in a deep annoying voice) and then someones like "yeah sure" (in an annoying girly voice) then they never talk or go out or anything and stuff its just so stupid! It should work like this, the guy or girl asks the guy or girl "hey. Do you want to go/see (insert movie title or place or event) with me on the (insert date here)" (in an awesome manly or girly voice) then the guy or girl replies either with
A. "EWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW!!!!!!!!! NO, lol jks sure" (in an awesome manly or girly voice)
B. "hey you're a really nice guy/girl and all but I'm just not interested" (in an awesome manly or girly voice)
C. "YES! wait no =( i can't go im busy =( wanna reschedule" (in an awesome manly or girly voice"
then they go out on a few dates then they guy/ girl asks "hey do you wanna be my my girl/boyfriend"
then the guy/girl replies with
A. "this has been fun and all but i would rather we just stay friends"(you know what voice it is)
B. "YES!" *make out*
dont be one of those stupid idiots that are stupid!!!!!!!
coz if you do it stupidly then its all akward and you end up creaming soda in your hair!!!
I totally agree (In an awesome girly voice)