Monday, September 5, 2011
Monday, August 15, 2011
who is going to France.
Hello Mary,
i really don't believe that anyone else reads these so i have decided to just address it to you.
sorry i haven't blogged in a while.
so i have had like the worst month of my life,
became single, lost my best friend, kinda hit the lowest of low that low can get low.
so all was shit.
then on friday i get a letter informing me that i will be going to france for 5 months next year, and life regained a point!
so anyway.
i am going to france
and i promise that i will blog frequently.
this time i actually will
but thats in 5 months so its ok.
now here are some pretty pictures of France.
i really don't believe that anyone else reads these so i have decided to just address it to you.
sorry i haven't blogged in a while.
so i have had like the worst month of my life,
became single, lost my best friend, kinda hit the lowest of low that low can get low.
so all was shit.
then on friday i get a letter informing me that i will be going to france for 5 months next year, and life regained a point!
so anyway.
i am going to france
and i promise that i will blog frequently.
this time i actually will
but thats in 5 months so its ok.
now here are some pretty pictures of France.
Monday, July 25, 2011
Monday, May 30, 2011
things i want to accomplish with my life.
I have decided to take a chapter out of marys blog and do a list =D
in no particular order
things i wish to do before i die

then i can get a badge, and i will wear it everywhere.
and everyone will be jealous coz i would have met CHARLIE!!!
preferably with matt smith and david tennant in it...
yeah i hope i can do this .... for 6 months. cool story, i thought so =D
as a gap year with friends, yes mary that includes you!
in no particular order
things i wish to do before i die
then i can get a badge, and i will wear it everywhere.
and everyone will be jealous coz i would have met CHARLIE!!!
- FLY THE TARDIS yeah i know its not possible, but i can dream =D
preferably with matt smith and david tennant in it...
yeah i hope i can do this .... for 6 months. cool story, i thought so =D
- GET A JOB!!!!
as a gap year with friends, yes mary that includes you!
so far thats all i have thought of... but i am hoping that it will only take me until i am 25 to do all that!!!
so good luck to me =D YAY!!!!!
k bye!
Tuesday, April 26, 2011
who is a giant procrastinator
its the last day of the holidays
and i have failed to do anything i originally said i would achieve these holidays
even though most of the time i have been at home doing nothing
instead of getting on with things
i would go on facebook
like i am now...
oh well
i am silly
its the last day of the holidays
and i have failed to do anything i originally said i would achieve these holidays
even though most of the time i have been at home doing nothing
instead of getting on with things
i would go on facebook
like i am now...
oh well
i am silly
Wednesday, April 20, 2011
who kicked her ankle with her knee
no idea
anyway i had a dr who marathon
it was quite the amazement
there is so much dr who
so so so much
we almost got through 2 series
watched about 21 episodes
at 45 minutes each thats
15.75 hours
945 minutes
56700 seconds
5.67E13 nanoseconds
you know what people should really watch dr who because then they would stop worrying that the end of the world is close when its not it wont come until the year
yes the numbers got too big =D
then the world will explode and people will be watching us from up above
but we wont even be on the planet
we would have left for somewhere safer
yeah... because everything that happens in dr who will come true
that is why in next years olympic games david tennant/the tenth doctor will light the olympic flame =D
that would be quite exciting
i really want to meet a dalek
or have a tardis
or something
i have a sonic screwdriver =D
i doesn't work like the one in the show
it is actually a pen
but i can imagine that it does
please don't ruin it for me
oh i also went on the
me and mary went and got bread
2 loaves =O
that is the best adventure of all time
one day i will be in dr who i dont know how stalk down the set walk in the background... then stare at the episode for ages in slow motion to find me then take a photo of it then brag to everyone that i was in dr who then david tenant comes up to me and says well i was the doctor and i am like o hai dere sexyyy then we get married and go flying in his tardis and i meet a dalek but they dont kill me because i am amazing and then i get an ood as my butler because they are very cool but i will keep them away from devils otherwise they will turn evil and try to kill me with their communication thingos i shall then also get K-9 as my pet dog and we will live a happy life and then rose will turn up and be like i dont like your clone anymore i have come back then he is like no i am with mimi now and then i will laugh at her because i get david tennant =D then charlie comes over and he is all like hi mimi and im like oh hi charlie i love you then he is all like marry me, ditch him and come with me and i am like you are cute but he was the doctor and he has a tardis and a sonic screwdriver so =P but you can go marry mary then we all live in a giant house the tardis!!!!!!! like my future life story??
k bye
get off my blog already
no idea
anyway i had a dr who marathon
it was quite the amazement
there is so much dr who
so so so much
we almost got through 2 series
watched about 21 episodes
at 45 minutes each thats
15.75 hours
945 minutes
56700 seconds
5.67E13 nanoseconds
you know what people should really watch dr who because then they would stop worrying that the end of the world is close when its not it wont come until the year
yes the numbers got too big =D
then the world will explode and people will be watching us from up above
but we wont even be on the planet
we would have left for somewhere safer
yeah... because everything that happens in dr who will come true
that is why in next years olympic games david tennant/the tenth doctor will light the olympic flame =D
that would be quite exciting
i really want to meet a dalek
or have a tardis
or something
i have a sonic screwdriver =D
i doesn't work like the one in the show
it is actually a pen
but i can imagine that it does
please don't ruin it for me
oh i also went on the
me and mary went and got bread
2 loaves =O
that is the best adventure of all time
one day i will be in dr who i dont know how stalk down the set walk in the background... then stare at the episode for ages in slow motion to find me then take a photo of it then brag to everyone that i was in dr who then david tenant comes up to me and says well i was the doctor and i am like o hai dere sexyyy then we get married and go flying in his tardis and i meet a dalek but they dont kill me because i am amazing and then i get an ood as my butler because they are very cool but i will keep them away from devils otherwise they will turn evil and try to kill me with their communication thingos i shall then also get K-9 as my pet dog and we will live a happy life and then rose will turn up and be like i dont like your clone anymore i have come back then he is like no i am with mimi now and then i will laugh at her because i get david tennant =D then charlie comes over and he is all like hi mimi and im like oh hi charlie i love you then he is all like marry me, ditch him and come with me and i am like you are cute but he was the doctor and he has a tardis and a sonic screwdriver so =P but you can go marry mary then we all live in a giant house the tardis!!!!!!! like my future life story??
k bye
get off my blog already
Monday, April 18, 2011
who went to the easter show
yeah my last post didn't have enough information
i decided that short and sweet worked
oh well
i went on these rides
they were scary
but the weird thing is the scarier they are the more fun!!!!!
i went on one called
that was sooo much fun but sooo scary. the scariest thing is that on the turn before us the ride kinda broke... yeah that reassured us to its safety hahahhahaa. it was like over 45m high here is a picture for you to be scared at:
i decided that short and sweet worked
oh well
i went on these rides
they were scary
but the weird thing is the scarier they are the more fun!!!!!
i went on one called
that was sooo much fun but sooo scary. the scariest thing is that on the turn before us the ride kinda broke... yeah that reassured us to its safety hahahhahaa. it was like over 45m high here is a picture for you to be scared at:
i have been on this a few times. this was almost as scary as the zipper it was amazing. although it seems unsafe. it is crazy!!!!! i love it. the picture doesn't look very scary... you have to see it moving/go on it =P
mega drop-
i really don't think that this ride needs much explanation. you should all know what it is. but it's a smaller ish version. 45m high. but when we went down my leg shot up into the air and randoms started laughing at me =\ oh well it was still fun hahahah =P
i also got some showbags how cool. as usual you have to get bertie beetle it is a classic. yeah thats just getting boring well mary i will see you tomorrow for our DR WHO MARATHON!!!!
k bye
get off my blog already
who wanted to see the cows.
I went to the easter show today
i wanted to see the cows
i didn't manage to
that is all
k bye
i wanted to see the cows
i didn't manage to
that is all
k bye
Sunday, April 17, 2011
whose soccer game was cancelled
i was all pumped for soccer this morning
then we get an email from our coach saying the other team forfeited =O
that made me sad
so i just went back to bed
i didnt actually achieve anything today
i did
i went through all of my long-sleeved shirts, jumpers, long pants and pajamas
i tried on every single thing
put them in piles
throw out
in the end i had an overflowing basket of things to throw out
i had clothes from when i was like 7 or 8...
you know it was actually quite fun
some clothes brought back memories
you should try doing it
unless you are smart and throw out clothes as you get new ones and dont wait 7 years...
yeah that is all i did today how boring
except for the fact that i have discovered the joy of sleeping
i used to hate sleeping
now i like it
its weird
is it just because i am a teenager?
oh well
get excited!!!!
k bye
get off my blog already
then we get an email from our coach saying the other team forfeited =O
that made me sad
so i just went back to bed
i didnt actually achieve anything today
i did
i went through all of my long-sleeved shirts, jumpers, long pants and pajamas
i tried on every single thing
put them in piles
throw out
in the end i had an overflowing basket of things to throw out
i had clothes from when i was like 7 or 8...
you know it was actually quite fun
some clothes brought back memories
you should try doing it
unless you are smart and throw out clothes as you get new ones and dont wait 7 years...
yeah that is all i did today how boring
except for the fact that i have discovered the joy of sleeping
i used to hate sleeping
now i like it
its weird
is it just because i am a teenager?
oh well
get excited!!!!
k bye
get off my blog already
Friday, April 15, 2011
who failed at daily posts
but i have excuses
ok well the first day i missed was because we were dropping anna off home and then she was like oh nose! i forgot my key then she was all like rarararara ring parental visions rara wont be home for hours rara me sleep over
so she slept over so i could not blog
the second day
my parents are mean and wouldnt let me on the computer =\ i tried to explain to them that my lovely blog followers would not be able to survive without me posting
but they wouldnt listen
and last night
i was at my friend sarahs oh she is a laugh =P
so anyways if i was to recall all of my adventures over these past few days you would die from knowing too much and we dont want that so here we go
well i finished that bag that i told you about aggesss agoo
it is cool
onto my amazing story
well as you would know because noone reads my blog but mary and anna and they would just know on tuesday i went out to dinner with a few of my friendiess at chefs choice good place nice food cheap! check it out
TONIGHT! go now what are you still doing here go eat there
so we finished eating and then we decided to head off to cold rock
and we had to wait for charisse's dad to come collect her before we could head off and i was like ew im not waiting for charisse hahah and then i started to walk off but turned around because there was this creepy guy on a bus stop and when i get back i find out that as soon as i turned around he had whipped out his camera and started photographing us =O illegal much!!!!!! anyway yeah he just kept taking photos of us and even as we walked past he kept going not being subtle or anything
the sad thing is though i want to see those photos since i have a feeling that i look really pretty in one of them no idea why i just think i will yeah
me and my scout buddieesss went on an adventure
not really an adventure but whatever we headed down to the beach (sandon point best beach ever) and went to the rock pools and we started to seek out those things that when you stand on them they like spit out water no idea what they are called but they are cool things anyway we looked out and at sandon point they have like giant clumps of them and they are really fun you just walk across them and squirt people then you step on one and it squirts you... hahahaha
well i hve had many more adventures i could tell you about but i am about to head off to the footy (AFL not thugby) GOOOO SYDNEY!!!!!!!
in my absence enjoy this picture of charlie mcdonnell and matt smith (the doctor) since they are amazing
ok well the first day i missed was because we were dropping anna off home and then she was like oh nose! i forgot my key then she was all like rarararara ring parental visions rara wont be home for hours rara me sleep over
so she slept over so i could not blog
the second day
my parents are mean and wouldnt let me on the computer =\ i tried to explain to them that my lovely blog followers would not be able to survive without me posting
but they wouldnt listen
and last night
i was at my friend sarahs oh she is a laugh =P
so anyways if i was to recall all of my adventures over these past few days you would die from knowing too much and we dont want that so here we go
well i finished that bag that i told you about aggesss agoo
it is cool
onto my amazing story
well as you would know because noone reads my blog but mary and anna and they would just know on tuesday i went out to dinner with a few of my friendiess at chefs choice good place nice food cheap! check it out
TONIGHT! go now what are you still doing here go eat there
so we finished eating and then we decided to head off to cold rock
and we had to wait for charisse's dad to come collect her before we could head off and i was like ew im not waiting for charisse hahah and then i started to walk off but turned around because there was this creepy guy on a bus stop and when i get back i find out that as soon as i turned around he had whipped out his camera and started photographing us =O illegal much!!!!!! anyway yeah he just kept taking photos of us and even as we walked past he kept going not being subtle or anything
the sad thing is though i want to see those photos since i have a feeling that i look really pretty in one of them no idea why i just think i will yeah
me and my scout buddieesss went on an adventure
not really an adventure but whatever we headed down to the beach (sandon point best beach ever) and went to the rock pools and we started to seek out those things that when you stand on them they like spit out water no idea what they are called but they are cool things anyway we looked out and at sandon point they have like giant clumps of them and they are really fun you just walk across them and squirt people then you step on one and it squirts you... hahahaha
well i hve had many more adventures i could tell you about but i am about to head off to the footy (AFL not thugby) GOOOO SYDNEY!!!!!!!
in my absence enjoy this picture of charlie mcdonnell and matt smith (the doctor) since they are amazing
it moves..... BADGER!!!!!!
Tuesday, April 12, 2011
who wishes they were at annas for the dr who marathon on austar
ok so right now there is a dr who marathon on austar
my friend anna has austar
i was like hey bunking your house?
she was all like i have work
oh hi anna =)
today i started making this thingo
i shall finish tomorrow and post a picture
i also watched some gossip girl was quite the good
i have also realised i have not started any of the things i said i would do..
stupid school giving assignments in the holidays
its our break from school seriously
i am off to watch black book
k bye
get off my blog already
im being serious get off since its really bad =P
my friend anna has austar
i was like hey bunking your house?
she was all like i have work
oh hi anna =)
today i started making this thingo
i shall finish tomorrow and post a picture
i also watched some gossip girl was quite the good
i have also realised i have not started any of the things i said i would do..
stupid school giving assignments in the holidays
its our break from school seriously
i am off to watch black book
k bye
get off my blog already
im being serious get off since its really bad =P
Monday, April 11, 2011
who failed at having a movie marathon
so i woke up this morning thinking yeah i am not doing anything today i could get onto making that bag i wanted to make
then i checked facebook (like i do every morning)
and i see a message from sarah saying come over at 10.30 for movie marathon
i go over we go up to watch movie
her mum tells us to go for a walk
so we do
we plan to just go to a fish and chip shop like 5 mintues from her house
we end up going to one about half an hour or so away
and we were walking slowly
then we had to wait 10 minutes for food
then we stopped and ate it
(dont you guys just love my story mary?)
then seagulls were attacking us
because i threw a chip at them to make them go away..
mimis life advice/tip of the day
giving seagulls a chip does not make them go away it makes them run after you wherever you go dont do it i say DONT DO IT
then we (me and nicola) were freaking out sarah by going to the edge of the rockpools hahahahha
then when we eventually got back it was like 1.30 (we left at like 10.30)
so we only had time to watch one movie then we had like half an hour before we were departing so we went outside and kicked the soccer ball
another tip
dont kick the ball into spiky bushes thinking hahahaha someone will have to get that
it ends up being you
not fun!
(well it is until you get back and find all these things stuck in your foot and scratches all over you)
yeah then my dad comes to pick me up and springs on me WE ARE GOING TO BEACH
im like cool
but its ok coz i had swimmers in my bag
so i went to get changed
and i was almost locked in the toilets
how embarassing
not really
but oh well
but i think i stood on a stingray
so fucking scary
there was like 5m of seaweed then clear
i was walking through the seaweed and i couldnt see
then i stood on something slimy (not seaweed)
like hard and shit and the it like swam/moved
i like jumped
cool story
i thought so
just then i tried to put in a dvd of gossip girl into my computer to watch since i borrowed the 2nd season from sarah and it said it was a blank disc =O i shall try it in my dvd player
i really need to do my srp
and theatre art project
k bye
get off my blog already!!!!!
then i checked facebook (like i do every morning)
and i see a message from sarah saying come over at 10.30 for movie marathon
i go over we go up to watch movie
her mum tells us to go for a walk
so we do
we plan to just go to a fish and chip shop like 5 mintues from her house
we end up going to one about half an hour or so away
and we were walking slowly
then we had to wait 10 minutes for food
then we stopped and ate it
(dont you guys just love my story mary?)
then seagulls were attacking us
because i threw a chip at them to make them go away..
mimis life advice/tip of the day
giving seagulls a chip does not make them go away it makes them run after you wherever you go dont do it i say DONT DO IT
then we (me and nicola) were freaking out sarah by going to the edge of the rockpools hahahahha
then when we eventually got back it was like 1.30 (we left at like 10.30)
so we only had time to watch one movie then we had like half an hour before we were departing so we went outside and kicked the soccer ball
another tip
dont kick the ball into spiky bushes thinking hahahaha someone will have to get that
it ends up being you
not fun!
(well it is until you get back and find all these things stuck in your foot and scratches all over you)
yeah then my dad comes to pick me up and springs on me WE ARE GOING TO BEACH
im like cool
but its ok coz i had swimmers in my bag
so i went to get changed
and i was almost locked in the toilets
how embarassing
not really
but oh well
but i think i stood on a stingray
so fucking scary
there was like 5m of seaweed then clear
i was walking through the seaweed and i couldnt see
then i stood on something slimy (not seaweed)
like hard and shit and the it like swam/moved
i like jumped
cool story
i thought so
just then i tried to put in a dvd of gossip girl into my computer to watch since i borrowed the 2nd season from sarah and it said it was a blank disc =O i shall try it in my dvd player
i really need to do my srp
and theatre art project
k bye
get off my blog already!!!!!
Sunday, April 10, 2011
who had an almost not really eventful day
well this morning i woke up =O
and i went into the kitchen
i got excited
and that was my day
i played soccer this morning
we won 9-0
how cool
oh if for some reason you dont know what soccer is well this is what it is very simply:
2 teams
2 goals
get ball into goal
and other rules but i really can not be bothered to go in to detail
people always ask me did you score mimi
like scoring is the most important thing that somebody in a team can do
what about the goalie
saving a goal
or someone like me
a wing
i set up all the goals
i run up the field do all the work pass it to the strikers in one kick bam they have a goal and everyone is like wooo them if it wasnt for me there would be no goal
well i do get chances to score
like this morning
i was standing in front of the goals
with the ball
and i just stood there
and then they kicked it away
i just don't like scoring ok
anyway i like setting them up
even if i get no recognition
i can know that if it wasn't for me (and the defenders and shit)
the goal would not have occurred
so think about the whole team in a thing like not just the person who hands it in
some life advice there my dear children
what else did i do today?
oh i went to my dear enemys friends cardboard box house
we made macaroni and cheese
here is how:
sauce: however much you want amounts of. butter, flour and milk. and double how much sauce you have of cheese. mix them all together on heat
pasta: boil water put in desired amount of pasta in taste every 5 seconds until cooked
mac&cheese: put those two things together
coz i am a fatty and i like mac & cheese but i cbf to make it =P
i tried this thing today
i have always wanted to
since i found out that it was what my boyfriend was addicted to =P
you know its really bad
but addictive
and i accidently killed a sheep
and then i wanted to go for a swim
but died
then a dog attacked me and almost killed me
but the only problem is that i dont know how to build anything
which is the purpose of the game...
i know how to destroy things though =D
maybe i could just make it so there is no world left
wow it sounds like i own this game
i dont
my friend anna does
well nick bought it for her for her birthday (ages ago) and we redeemed it today
it was funny
i got quite a bit of a blog out of my non-eventful day actually
mary i want that dr who marathon
it would be a very good thing to blog about
oh btw on tuesday night there is a dr who marathon of the top 10 best episodes on austar
rading annas house?
i think so
k bye
and i went into the kitchen
i got excited
and that was my day
i played soccer this morning
we won 9-0
how cool
oh if for some reason you dont know what soccer is well this is what it is very simply:
2 teams
2 goals
get ball into goal
and other rules but i really can not be bothered to go in to detail
people always ask me did you score mimi
like scoring is the most important thing that somebody in a team can do
what about the goalie
saving a goal
or someone like me
a wing
i set up all the goals
i run up the field do all the work pass it to the strikers in one kick bam they have a goal and everyone is like wooo them if it wasnt for me there would be no goal
well i do get chances to score
like this morning
i was standing in front of the goals
with the ball
and i just stood there
and then they kicked it away
i just don't like scoring ok
anyway i like setting them up
even if i get no recognition
i can know that if it wasn't for me (and the defenders and shit)
the goal would not have occurred
so think about the whole team in a thing like not just the person who hands it in
some life advice there my dear children
what else did i do today?
oh i went to my dear enemys friends cardboard box house
we made macaroni and cheese
here is how:
sauce: however much you want amounts of. butter, flour and milk. and double how much sauce you have of cheese. mix them all together on heat
pasta: boil water put in desired amount of pasta in taste every 5 seconds until cooked
mac&cheese: put those two things together
coz i am a fatty and i like mac & cheese but i cbf to make it =P
i tried this thing today
i have always wanted to
since i found out that it was what my boyfriend was addicted to =P
you know its really bad
but addictive
and i accidently killed a sheep
and then i wanted to go for a swim
but died
then a dog attacked me and almost killed me
but the only problem is that i dont know how to build anything
which is the purpose of the game...
i know how to destroy things though =D
maybe i could just make it so there is no world left
wow it sounds like i own this game
i dont
my friend anna does
well nick bought it for her for her birthday (ages ago) and we redeemed it today
it was funny
i got quite a bit of a blog out of my non-eventful day actually
mary i want that dr who marathon
it would be a very good thing to blog about
oh btw on tuesday night there is a dr who marathon of the top 10 best episodes on austar
rading annas house?
i think so
k bye
Saturday, April 9, 2011
who halfly had a lazy day
so day 1 of the holidays
i sat at home and watched movies
but i went to the beach
it was nice
i dont understand why people stop going to the beach when it reaches autumn
it is actually when it starts to get warm and nice
there is like noone there
so actually no
dont come to the beach in autumn
i like it to myself
Friday, April 8, 2011
who is on holidays.
well its that time of year again
get excited
ok so im excited
but one problem with the holidays is that you have to find things to do UGHGHHHGHHHHH
so i have decided that i should find some things to do
i have also decided to blog about what i did that day
yeah this will probably fail but
you my faithful readers
(well at the most anna and maybe mary)
but anyway will be checking yes...
ok but i am challenging myself to (in the holidays)
make mary a pencil case
finish courtneys thing (akkk i feel so bad)
and maybe make myself something
so on my days that i am not doing anything
i shall
sew my heart out
not actually
i would quite like to keep my heart...
just remembered i have assingments...
i will do them
the sewing and stuff
but i will have lots of time
since neither anna nor nick are here =\
back to the assignments
yeah i know this blog is really boring but i havnt done one in a while
for something more interesting check out marys blog
i am not even going to bother with a link coz the only people that read this will know how to get to it
i have to do a science research project
and a theatre arts thing that i have had all term to do
but i havnt started it...
yeah stop reading my blog and go watch some of charlieissocoollike's videos k thanxbye
teachers really shouldnt give assignments for the holidays
they are our break from school
we dont want to take school home with us
this blog is boring and pointless so...
to make this more interesting enjoy an image of david tennant
which wont be very hard
since he is mighty fine looking
get excited
ok so im excited
but one problem with the holidays is that you have to find things to do UGHGHHHGHHHHH
so i have decided that i should find some things to do
i have also decided to blog about what i did that day
yeah this will probably fail but
you my faithful readers
(well at the most anna and maybe mary)
but anyway will be checking yes...
ok but i am challenging myself to (in the holidays)
make mary a pencil case
finish courtneys thing (akkk i feel so bad)
and maybe make myself something
so on my days that i am not doing anything
i shall
sew my heart out
not actually
i would quite like to keep my heart...
just remembered i have assingments...
i will do them
the sewing and stuff
but i will have lots of time
since neither anna nor nick are here =\
back to the assignments
yeah i know this blog is really boring but i havnt done one in a while
for something more interesting check out marys blog
i am not even going to bother with a link coz the only people that read this will know how to get to it
i have to do a science research project
and a theatre arts thing that i have had all term to do
but i havnt started it...
yeah stop reading my blog and go watch some of charlieissocoollike's videos k thanxbye
teachers really shouldnt give assignments for the holidays
they are our break from school
we dont want to take school home with us
this blog is boring and pointless so...
to make this more interesting enjoy an image of david tennant
which wont be very hard
since he is mighty fine looking
and this one
matt smith goes alright too plus
yeah get off my blog already
Wednesday, January 5, 2011
who is in a fight
they tear people apart
they don't care what their target is
they just ruin them
not only those in the fight
but those close to them
even those far away
they affect everyone
just one fight
take this one for example
they were practically best friends
then they had a fight about something stupid
this turned into a giant fight
now people can only invite one of the two to anything
they have to make the decision
go through all the pain of choosing
just because they had a fight
two friends fighting
splits apart groups
saying be on my side
no be on my side
you dont know what to do
they are both your friends
you like them both
if you go to one the other is like oh so you like them better than me
then if you go to the other side the other one is like 'traitor'
you are just like guys you are friends whats wrong with you
if you have a fight with somebody
it will forever be in your mind
the things they said
the things they did
how can you be friends with them again
before you start that fight think
do i really want to lose this friend
a world without fights would be better
but that wouldnt be possible
people are too stubborn
i wish fights were more like when our parents were young
i dont like you
thats just lame im going to leave.
just kidding that didnt happen
more like
*punches back*
*this continues until suddenly*
i dont hate you as much anymore
then their bruises/cuts heal
all better
these days it is all mental stuff
playing with your mind
mind games
ones that scar you for life
those are the ones that give you mental disorders
those are the ones that make people suicidal
although they never touched them they killed them
ripping them apart from the inside.
the old saying
sticks and stones will hurt my bones but names will never harm me
is not right
it should be more like
sticks and stones will hurt my bones but names will scar me mentally for the rest of my life
think before you speak
think before you play those mind games
think about not only what you are doing to them
but what you are doing to everyone else
and yourself
treat people how you would like to be treated
if you are mean to people
expect people to be mean back to you
they tear people apart
they don't care what their target is
they just ruin them
not only those in the fight
but those close to them
even those far away
they affect everyone
just one fight
take this one for example
they were practically best friends
then they had a fight about something stupid
this turned into a giant fight
now people can only invite one of the two to anything
they have to make the decision
go through all the pain of choosing
just because they had a fight
two friends fighting
splits apart groups
saying be on my side
no be on my side
you dont know what to do
they are both your friends
you like them both
if you go to one the other is like oh so you like them better than me
then if you go to the other side the other one is like 'traitor'
you are just like guys you are friends whats wrong with you
if you have a fight with somebody
it will forever be in your mind
the things they said
the things they did
how can you be friends with them again
before you start that fight think
do i really want to lose this friend
a world without fights would be better
but that wouldnt be possible
people are too stubborn
i wish fights were more like when our parents were young
i dont like you
thats just lame im going to leave.
just kidding that didnt happen
more like
*punches back*
*this continues until suddenly*
i dont hate you as much anymore
then their bruises/cuts heal
all better
these days it is all mental stuff
playing with your mind
mind games
ones that scar you for life
those are the ones that give you mental disorders
those are the ones that make people suicidal
although they never touched them they killed them
ripping them apart from the inside.
the old saying
sticks and stones will hurt my bones but names will never harm me
is not right
it should be more like
sticks and stones will hurt my bones but names will scar me mentally for the rest of my life
think before you speak
think before you play those mind games
think about not only what you are doing to them
but what you are doing to everyone else
and yourself
treat people how you would like to be treated
if you are mean to people
expect people to be mean back to you
Tuesday, January 4, 2011
who is a backstabber
who likes them
they stab your back
and it hurts
all the blood poors out
just kidding
im not talking about that kinda back stabber
im talking about the kind that act all nice to your face
then when talking to others they bitch about you
everyone bitches about people
its natural
but bitching about your friends
thats just horrible
what a great friend you are
lol jks you're horrible
its hard to tell whether someone is talking about you behind your back
hard to tell who your real friends are
when at a sleepover
and someone starts bitching about someone who they are nice to normally you start to think
you think do they do this to me too
do they act nice to me
then when i am not around do they start to bitch about me too
i wonder what they really think about me
also when next around the person they were bitching about you think
is that stuff true did they really do that
and you cant have fun anymore
like i have this friend who isnt friends with my other friend anymore and i am like why and she is like she is a bitch and i am like how and she is like if you knew all the things she said to me about you, you would think she is a bitch aswell.
i was with that person the other day and i just felt awkward to be around them i couldnt have the fun we used to i couldnt get it out of my head i was thinking what if she did say bad things about me know she is having fun and pretending to be nice to me. is she a backstabbing bitch.
or maybe the other person is.
maybe she was lying and backstabbing the other person.
maybe it is just a misunderstanding that is going on.
its all confusing.
i dont know what to do.
it all started with backstabbing
it will probably end with backstabbing
without backstabbing the problem would never have occured
therefore never needed solving with the more backstabbing
if people never backstabbed in the first place
less people would be hurt
more fun would be had
think before you say.
would you say it to their face?
who likes them
they stab your back
and it hurts
all the blood poors out
just kidding
im not talking about that kinda back stabber
im talking about the kind that act all nice to your face
then when talking to others they bitch about you
everyone bitches about people
its natural
but bitching about your friends
thats just horrible
what a great friend you are
lol jks you're horrible
its hard to tell whether someone is talking about you behind your back
hard to tell who your real friends are
when at a sleepover
and someone starts bitching about someone who they are nice to normally you start to think
you think do they do this to me too
do they act nice to me
then when i am not around do they start to bitch about me too
i wonder what they really think about me
also when next around the person they were bitching about you think
is that stuff true did they really do that
and you cant have fun anymore
like i have this friend who isnt friends with my other friend anymore and i am like why and she is like she is a bitch and i am like how and she is like if you knew all the things she said to me about you, you would think she is a bitch aswell.
i was with that person the other day and i just felt awkward to be around them i couldnt have the fun we used to i couldnt get it out of my head i was thinking what if she did say bad things about me know she is having fun and pretending to be nice to me. is she a backstabbing bitch.
or maybe the other person is.
maybe she was lying and backstabbing the other person.
maybe it is just a misunderstanding that is going on.
its all confusing.
i dont know what to do.
it all started with backstabbing
it will probably end with backstabbing
without backstabbing the problem would never have occured
therefore never needed solving with the more backstabbing
if people never backstabbed in the first place
less people would be hurt
more fun would be had
think before you say.
would you say it to their face?
Monday, January 3, 2011
who is a little kid
little kids
we were all one
but that time has gone and past
sometimes i wish i was little again
they seem to have no care in the world
they don't judge people
and no matter what they look cute
when they do something stupid its just like oh well they are little
do it when you are older and suddenly you are in trouble big time.
these days you have so much going on
you care about too much
worry about too much
when you were young the most you cared about was i wonder if daddy will buy me an ice cream i like ice cream
then you would worry about dropping your ice cream
thats it
ice cream
although i must say that is still very important
they didnt have to worry about what they wore
noone would care
they still looked adorable
also most of the time their parents chose their outfits
if you go out somewhere you worry about what to wear
i wonder if people will approve of this outfit
do these shoes match
how about my bag
and when you finally do get out
if someone looks at you you think bad things
like maybe this outfit doesnt match etc.
they dont judge people either
and likewise they dont get judged themselves
not a care
just them being cute
they go out into the world
run around the park
swing on the swings
pretend to be an aeroplane
all that stuff
noone looks twice
they think that looks fun
i bet deep down they are thinking i wish i could do that
i wish i could pretend to be an aeroplane without anyone looking at me weird
i wish i could not have a care in the world
i wish i could be little again
in littlies minds everyone is their friend
the worst thing someone could say was
'im not inviting you to my party anymore'
those were the days of ewww boys they have coodies
and making mud pies and eating them
those were the good days
the days i miss
and people always want to grow up
i wish i could just grow down
we were all one
but that time has gone and past
sometimes i wish i was little again
they seem to have no care in the world
they don't judge people
and no matter what they look cute
when they do something stupid its just like oh well they are little
do it when you are older and suddenly you are in trouble big time.
these days you have so much going on
you care about too much
worry about too much
when you were young the most you cared about was i wonder if daddy will buy me an ice cream i like ice cream
then you would worry about dropping your ice cream
thats it
ice cream
although i must say that is still very important
they didnt have to worry about what they wore
noone would care
they still looked adorable
also most of the time their parents chose their outfits
if you go out somewhere you worry about what to wear
i wonder if people will approve of this outfit
do these shoes match
how about my bag
and when you finally do get out
if someone looks at you you think bad things
like maybe this outfit doesnt match etc.
they dont judge people either
and likewise they dont get judged themselves
not a care
just them being cute
they go out into the world
run around the park
swing on the swings
pretend to be an aeroplane
all that stuff
noone looks twice
they think that looks fun
i bet deep down they are thinking i wish i could do that
i wish i could pretend to be an aeroplane without anyone looking at me weird
i wish i could not have a care in the world
i wish i could be little again
in littlies minds everyone is their friend
the worst thing someone could say was
'im not inviting you to my party anymore'
those were the days of ewww boys they have coodies
and making mud pies and eating them
those were the good days
the days i miss
and people always want to grow up
i wish i could just grow down
Sunday, January 2, 2011
who has a family
lol jks they don't.
just kidding everyone has a family.
but what is a family??
well my dictionary defined it as: parents and their children whether dwelling together or not.
thats lame =\
anyway a family is more than that.
what about your grand's and your cous's and stuff?
anyway that was lame so i consulted urban dictionary, they are usually more interesting
here is what they say: A bunch of people who hate each other and eat dinner together.
another one there is: The close relationships among a body of human beings through blood. Usually are annoying and invasive around the holidays.
told you they were more interesting haha!
actually i think both resources show some truth
if you think about it.
your family is your family by blood you cant change it
but that doesn't necessarily mean you like them either
but you still have to do things with them.
is anyone that perfect family
what is the perfect family?
is it the 'picture perfect one'
where everyone is in perfect harmony
or is it one like mine?
where one whole side only recently just found out about my existence
while the other fights.
what is the perfect family?
i don't believe it exists.
every family has their flaws
even if they try to hide them
but thats what makes them special
the flaws are the things that make them stand out
make them unique
because not all families are like that
having the perfect family would be actually quite boring
if you have a family that never fights is always happy
can you treasure those moments?
do they feel special?
how could they if that is what it always is?
moments in my family can be treasured quite easily
my nan and her sister fight all the time
my grand nan is crazy
my grandfather ran away from my grandmother while she was pregnant with my mum and he had a whole other family after that and just recently we found out about them and found my uncle on facebook and they also discovered that we existed
see if i had a perfect family i wouldnt get an excitement like that
and that is just my mums side
my dads side well lets see....
what do i know about them??
the only one i know is my grandma
i don't like her
and the rest of the family on that side well all i know is that they live in perth
my dad can't even remember who they are
well thats usefull in knowing them isnt it =\
my close family is quite good though
we have our down times but dont all families
but we have our good times
sometimes we just like to forget about the rest of our family
but you cant because they are our family
but when we remember we laugh it out
we think about the sillyness and stupidness of their fights
how they overreact to things
and just plain be stupid
thats my family
it may not be perfect
but thats the way it is
the way it always will be
i cant change it
although sometimes i want to
i will just have to get used to it
atleast they are not murderers or anything =D
i think...
just kidding everyone has a family.
but what is a family??
well my dictionary defined it as: parents and their children whether dwelling together or not.
thats lame =\
anyway a family is more than that.
what about your grand's and your cous's and stuff?
anyway that was lame so i consulted urban dictionary, they are usually more interesting
here is what they say: A bunch of people who hate each other and eat dinner together.
another one there is: The close relationships among a body of human beings through blood. Usually are annoying and invasive around the holidays.
told you they were more interesting haha!
actually i think both resources show some truth
if you think about it.
your family is your family by blood you cant change it
but that doesn't necessarily mean you like them either
but you still have to do things with them.
is anyone that perfect family
what is the perfect family?
is it the 'picture perfect one'
where everyone is in perfect harmony
or is it one like mine?
where one whole side only recently just found out about my existence
while the other fights.
what is the perfect family?
i don't believe it exists.
every family has their flaws
even if they try to hide them
but thats what makes them special
the flaws are the things that make them stand out
make them unique
because not all families are like that
having the perfect family would be actually quite boring
if you have a family that never fights is always happy
can you treasure those moments?
do they feel special?
how could they if that is what it always is?
moments in my family can be treasured quite easily
my nan and her sister fight all the time
my grand nan is crazy
my grandfather ran away from my grandmother while she was pregnant with my mum and he had a whole other family after that and just recently we found out about them and found my uncle on facebook and they also discovered that we existed
see if i had a perfect family i wouldnt get an excitement like that
and that is just my mums side
my dads side well lets see....
what do i know about them??
the only one i know is my grandma
i don't like her
and the rest of the family on that side well all i know is that they live in perth
my dad can't even remember who they are
well thats usefull in knowing them isnt it =\
my close family is quite good though
we have our down times but dont all families
but we have our good times
sometimes we just like to forget about the rest of our family
but you cant because they are our family
but when we remember we laugh it out
we think about the sillyness and stupidness of their fights
how they overreact to things
and just plain be stupid
thats my family
it may not be perfect
but thats the way it is
the way it always will be
i cant change it
although sometimes i want to
i will just have to get used to it
atleast they are not murderers or anything =D
i think...
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