Tuesday, January 4, 2011

who is a backstabber

who likes them
they stab your back
and it hurts
all the blood poors out
just kidding
im not talking about that kinda back stabber
im talking about the kind that act all nice to your face
then when talking to others they bitch about you
everyone bitches about people
its natural
but bitching about your friends
thats just horrible
what a great friend you are
lol jks you're horrible
its hard to tell whether someone is talking about you behind your back
hard to tell who your real friends are
when at a sleepover
and someone starts bitching about someone who they are nice to normally you start to think
you think do they do this to me too
do they act nice to me
then when i am not around do they start to bitch about me too
i wonder what they really think about me
also when next around the person they were bitching about you think
is that stuff true did they really do that
and you cant have fun anymore
like i have this friend who isnt friends with my other friend anymore and i am like why and she is like she is a bitch and i am like how and she is like if you knew all the things she said to me about you, you would think she is a bitch aswell.
i was with that person the other day and i just felt awkward to be around them i couldnt have the fun we used to i couldnt get it out of my head i was thinking what if she did say bad things about me know she is having fun and pretending to be nice to me. is she a backstabbing bitch.
or maybe the other person is.
maybe she was lying and backstabbing the other person.
maybe it is just a misunderstanding that is going on.
its all confusing.
i dont know what to do.
it all started with backstabbing
it will probably end with backstabbing
without backstabbing the problem would never have occured
therefore never needed solving with the more backstabbing
if people never backstabbed in the first place
less people would be hurt
more fun would be had

think before you say.
would you say it to their face?

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