Wednesday, January 5, 2011

who is in a fight

they tear people apart
they don't care what their target is
they just ruin them
not only those in the fight
but those close to them
even those far away
they affect everyone
just one fight

take this one for example
they were practically best friends
then they had a fight about something stupid
this turned into a giant fight
now people can only invite one of the two to anything
they have to make the decision
go through all the pain of choosing
just because they had a fight

two friends fighting
splits apart groups
saying be on my side
no be on my side
you dont know what to do
they are both your friends
you like them both
if you go to one the other is like oh so you like them better than me
then if you go to the other side the other one is like 'traitor'
you are just like guys you are friends whats wrong with you

if you have a fight with somebody
it will forever be in your mind
the things they said
the things they did
how can you be friends with them again
before you start that fight think
do i really want to lose this friend

a world without fights would be better
but that wouldnt be possible
people are too stubborn
i wish fights were more like when our parents were young
i dont like you
thats just lame im going to leave.
just kidding that didnt happen
more like
*punches back*
*this continues until suddenly*
i dont hate you as much anymore
then their bruises/cuts heal
all better

these days it is all mental stuff
playing with your mind
mind games
ones that scar you for life
those are the ones that give you mental disorders
those are the ones that make people suicidal
although they never touched them they killed them
ripping them apart from the inside.

the old saying
sticks and stones will hurt my bones but names will never harm me
is not right
it should be more like
sticks and stones will hurt my bones but names will scar me mentally for the rest of my life

think before you speak
think before you play those mind games
think about not only what you are doing to them
but what you are doing to everyone else
and yourself

treat people how you would like to be treated
if you are mean to people
expect people to be mean back to you

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

who is a backstabber

who likes them
they stab your back
and it hurts
all the blood poors out
just kidding
im not talking about that kinda back stabber
im talking about the kind that act all nice to your face
then when talking to others they bitch about you
everyone bitches about people
its natural
but bitching about your friends
thats just horrible
what a great friend you are
lol jks you're horrible
its hard to tell whether someone is talking about you behind your back
hard to tell who your real friends are
when at a sleepover
and someone starts bitching about someone who they are nice to normally you start to think
you think do they do this to me too
do they act nice to me
then when i am not around do they start to bitch about me too
i wonder what they really think about me
also when next around the person they were bitching about you think
is that stuff true did they really do that
and you cant have fun anymore
like i have this friend who isnt friends with my other friend anymore and i am like why and she is like she is a bitch and i am like how and she is like if you knew all the things she said to me about you, you would think she is a bitch aswell.
i was with that person the other day and i just felt awkward to be around them i couldnt have the fun we used to i couldnt get it out of my head i was thinking what if she did say bad things about me know she is having fun and pretending to be nice to me. is she a backstabbing bitch.
or maybe the other person is.
maybe she was lying and backstabbing the other person.
maybe it is just a misunderstanding that is going on.
its all confusing.
i dont know what to do.
it all started with backstabbing
it will probably end with backstabbing
without backstabbing the problem would never have occured
therefore never needed solving with the more backstabbing
if people never backstabbed in the first place
less people would be hurt
more fun would be had

think before you say.
would you say it to their face?

Monday, January 3, 2011

who is a little kid

little kids
we were all one
but that time has gone and past
sometimes i wish i was little again
they seem to have no care in the world
they don't judge people
and no matter what they look cute
when they do something stupid its just like oh well they are little
do it when you are older and suddenly you are in trouble big time.
these days you have so much going on
you care about too much
worry about too much
when you were young the most you cared about was i wonder if daddy will buy me an ice cream i like ice cream
then you would worry about dropping your ice cream
thats it
ice cream
although i must say that is still very important
they didnt have to worry about what they wore
noone would care
they still looked adorable
also most of the time their parents chose their outfits
if you go out somewhere you worry about what to wear
i wonder if people will approve of this outfit
do these shoes match
how about my bag
and when you finally do get out
if someone looks at you you think bad things
like maybe this outfit doesnt match etc.
they dont judge people either
and likewise they dont get judged themselves
not a care
just them being cute
they go out into the world
run around the park
swing on the swings
pretend to be an aeroplane
all that stuff
noone looks twice
they think that looks fun
i bet deep down they are thinking i wish i could do that
i wish i could pretend to be an aeroplane without anyone looking at me weird
i wish i could not have a care in the world
i wish i could be little again
in littlies minds everyone is their friend
the worst thing someone could say was
'im not inviting you to my party anymore'
those were the days of ewww boys they have coodies
and making mud pies and eating them
those were the good days
the days i miss

and people always want to grow up
i wish i could just grow down

Sunday, January 2, 2011

who has a family

lol jks they don't.

just kidding everyone has a family.

but what is a family??
well my dictionary defined it as: parents and their children whether dwelling together or not.
thats lame =\
anyway a family is more than that.
what about your grand's and your cous's and stuff?
anyway that was lame so i consulted urban dictionary, they are usually more interesting
here is what they say: A bunch of people who hate each other and eat dinner together.
another one there is: The close relationships among a body of human beings through blood. Usually are annoying and invasive around the holidays.
told you they were more interesting haha!

actually i think both resources show some truth
if you think about it.
your family is your family by blood you cant change it
but that doesn't necessarily mean you like them either
but you still have to do things with them.

is anyone that perfect family
what is the perfect family?
is it the 'picture perfect one'
where everyone is in perfect harmony
or is it one like mine?
where one whole side only recently just found out about my existence
while the other fights.
what is the perfect family?

i don't believe it exists.
every family has their flaws
even if they try to hide them
but thats what makes them special
the flaws are the things that make them stand out
make them unique
because not all families are like that

having the perfect family would be actually quite boring
if you have a family that never fights is always  happy
can you treasure those moments?
do they feel special?
how could they if that is what it always is?

moments in my family can be treasured quite easily
my nan and her sister fight all the time
my grand nan is crazy
my grandfather ran away from my grandmother while she was pregnant with my mum and he had a whole other family after that and just recently we found out about them and found my uncle on facebook and they also discovered that we existed
see if i had a perfect family i wouldnt get an excitement like that
and that is just my mums side

my dads side well lets see....
what do i know about them??
the only one i know is my grandma
i don't like her
and the rest of the family on that side well all i know is that they live in perth
my dad can't even  remember who they are
well thats usefull in knowing them isnt it =\

my close family is quite good though
we have our down times but dont all families
but we have our good times
sometimes we just like to forget about the rest of our family
but you cant because they are our family
but when we remember we laugh it out
we think about the sillyness and stupidness of their fights
how they overreact to things
and just plain be stupid

thats my family
it may not be perfect
but thats the way it is
the way it always will be
i cant change it
although sometimes i want to
i will just have to get used to it

atleast they are not murderers or anything =D
i think...